Meeting Minutes

Date: January 15, 2023

Location: Lions Club Algonac

President Randy Kling Present
Vice-President Kody Orbitz Present
Treasurer Craig Woodhouse Present
Recording Sec Open
Membership Sec Tim Sittaro Present
DNR John Darling Present
CWAC Ken Martin Present
Merch coordinator Sharon Shippell Absent

  • Past Meeting minutes read and approved

  • Treasurer’s Report: Read by Craig Woodhouse The club is in good financial shape.

  • Membership Secretary Report: Read by Tim Sittaro – No report given

  • C.W.A.C. Report: Read by Ken Martin – CWAC meeting yesterday. Start dates remain the same as last year. Can’t change until the 2025 season. 11 new conservation officers for the next year. Had a higher presence this year. Top three issues were:

    1. toxic shot
    2. baiting
    3. loaded guns in boats. Pintails down 54% from LTA. Very concerned. From an MSU study 62% of Great Lakes mallards were hybrids with domestic mallards. Messing up the gene pool: some concerns are poor hatchling success, more predator success and they don’t migrate. Split seasons were discussed.
  • Old Business:

    • Finished blind in Zone 18. no one to build it. Had a bill for labor of $1,500, Motion to pay the bill. Motion passed, bill to be paid.
  • New Business: Terry McFadden - New waterfowl hunter survey going out this year. Discussed moving youth day to Saturday Instead of Friday, not during a school day. Day off does not coordinate anymore. Nothing finalized.

  • D.N.R. Report: Read by John Darling

    • Passed out portion of annual report, covered highlights. Ninth highest duck harvest this year. Had low refuge counts. John stated he felt it lead to better hunting ducks slowly trickled in and out in small groups instead of showing up in a large number and leaving as a large group. First week was the best week of the year. Average 285 a day. October was the best month. Zone 16 was the best zone of the year. Drake were shot at 3-1(drake/hen) ratio usually it’s 2-1 ratio. Ducks used 1 and 2 refuges more than 3 and 4 this year. Resulting in more ducks using the upper zones. Avian flu hit eh geese on the island hard this year. Hatching numbers were reduced. CO’s were on the island more this year. Biggest violation was individuals hunting in zones and not being on the card. Also lead shot and plugs not in guns.

    • John asked the club to pick up $10,000 more dollars in fertilizer cost so they can use the money to combat phragmites. Discussed and unanimously approved by members.

    • Voted and unanimously approved to roll over the $10,000 approved for phragmites last year.

    • John talked about diking off 9-12 from 5-7 to better control the water levels so it’s not so deep in those zones. It would cause an additional pull over for 9-14. Members agreed to change it and try it. John will work on it this year.

    • No bids for lights in the west lots were turned in. Looking at solar lights as we can install those ourselves.

  • Next Meeting: April 23, 2023